Maybe being a foster parent isn’t an option; but you can help those who are.

We love volunteers who are driven by purpose and passion. If you want to help families in the foster system, you’ve come to the right place. We need you and vulnerable families need you; we can’t do this without you and we promise you’ll find joy in serving others.

Whether you're a student who needs community hours, or an adult who cares, you can be the person who makes a difference in a vulnerable person’s life. Give us your time, we promise to give it purpose!

Volunteer Opportunities

THe closet

Volunteers come to The Closet one day a week for 1-2 hours. As a Closet volunteer, you will be be responsible for sorting through donations we receive, helping organize The Closet and the donation suites, and creating outfits to hang.

Families Count

Mentor a parent in our Families Count parenting class. This is a 2 hour per week commitment for 7 weeks. Families Count mentors walk along side parents involved in the foster system working to reunify with their children. Mentors provide prayer and emotional support for the parent.


Sign up to become a Community Responder for CarePortal. You can meet real-time needs like for members in our community.

Serve Creatively

Do you have another service or talent that you would like to offer? Let us know! We have had photographers, videographers, artists, and many more community members donate their time to serve kids in our community. We would love to have you use your gifts to serve with us!